Blush Response - Predatory Algorithms
PREMIERE : Blush Response - Predatory Algorithms Video by Defasten Dimensional Research, Kontaktor Records Blush Response' latest body of work, full length album DIMENSIONAL RESEARCH will be released on 24th of November 2023 on Kontaktor Records. The label is a further extension of Erica Synths showcasing boundary-pushing artists who fearlessly challenge the status quo of contemporary electronic music. Blush Response is the vehicle for Cuban/American musician Joey Blush's research into the sonic dimension. Reports occur at sporadic intervals, usually in concurrence with the discovery of new planes of existence. Born in Miami, and now stationed in Berlin, Blush has brought his sound experiments to a worldwide audience. He seeks to both influence and harness the unpredictability of complex electronic instrumentation, in an effort to create an direct expression of his emotions. This sonic ritualism is exemplified in his prolific reporting of fractalized audio sculpture. @blush_response Patrick Doan is a 3D artist based in Berlin, Germany. With a background in design, film, and architecture, he creates dynamic 3d real-time graphics, live performances, music videos, installations, streaming events, etc. He has been publishing his graphic works under the username ‘‘defasten’’ since 2002. Working mainly in the events and music industry, his future-facing visual designs exist as audio reactive, generative, deconstructed geometric objects, establishing a simulated digital reality.@defasten
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